SEIU Leads on Social and Economic Justice

What is SEIU?

We are the Service Employees International Union, an organization of 2-million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide and dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a more just and humane society.

SEIU Healthcare, the healthcare arm of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), is the largest healthcare union in North America with more than 1.1 million members.

We are doctors and nurses, home care and nursing home workers; we are lab techs, environmental service workers and dietary aides. We are front-line healthcare workers who care for more than 60 million patients across 29 states and two countries. We are caregivers in hospitals, health centers, nursing homes, in-home care and in our communities.

Other branches of SEIU include janitors, security officers, maintenance and custodial workers, stadium and arena workers, window cleaners, and other workers who provide important services. We also have public service employees with more than 1 million local and state government workers, public school employees, bus drivers, and child care providers.

SEIU has used this network of people throughout the country to advocate for a variety of social and economic justice causes — including the Fight for $15 an hour, affordable healthcare and sensible immigration reform.

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